ULTRA ONE DAY by Bausch and Lomb is a modern daily disposable lens that is very comfortable to wear. It combines MoistureSeal and ComfortFeel technology, two innovative technologies that provide maximum comfort for the eyes.
The MoistureSeal technology creates a moisture deposit that helps to keep the eyes and the contact lenses from drying out, so that they are optimally wetted. In combination with the ULTRA ONE DAY's high oxygen permeability, the moisture depot ensures that this daily disposable lens can be worn for up to 16 hours with maximum comfort, even for sensitive eyes.
The ComfortFeel technology optimizes the daily disposable lenses with three special ingredients that continuously support your eyes while wearing the contact lenses. The ingredients include electrolytes and various humidifiers, which provide a stable environment for the eye and protect the tear film. This means that these daily disposable lenses remain comfortable and are barely noticeable even longer.
Both technologies work in synergy with the tear film. The silicone hydrogel material is especially soft and breathable, so that the eye is optimally supplied with oxygen to prevent long-term damage caused by contact lenses.